Logo Kissinger Sommer

Friends’ Association

Become a member of the Kissinger Sommer freinds’ association and directly support the work of the festival.

The association was founded in 1992 and is now the largest sponsor.

With your contributions and donations you help to realise artistic projects:

  • Every year the friends support top-class concerts during the Festival and thus make a significant contribution to maintaining and further developing the artistic excellence of the Kissinger Sommer.
  • Every year since 1999, a promising young artist of the Kissinger Sommer has received the coveted Luitpold Prize, endowed with 5.000 €. The prize winners include Sarah Aristidou, Mojca Erdmann, Tine Ting Helseth, Igor Levit, Anna Lucia Richter, Baiba Skride, Kian Soltani, Alisa Weilerstein and Nikolai Znaider, to name but a few. All of these once young talents have since become stars.
  • The Kissinger KlavierOlymp, which has been taking place in autumn since 2003, is also co-financed from the ranks of the supporting members. For many of the prize winners, the important piano competition is an important springboard for remarkable careers.

We cordially invite you to join us in our commitment to the Kissinger Sommer. Become part of our lively circle of friends, corporate members and supporters!

Exclusive benefits for members

For the Kissinger Sommer, the members of the Friends are more than just supporters. They are reliable friends on whose loyalty one can build. In return, members can feel like premium customers of the festival. Beyond the concerts, our members come into intensive contact with the Kissinger Sommer:

You will receive the festival programme for the respective next Kissinger Sommer one month before the public and benefit from a three-week exclusive advance booking right. This is an invaluable advantage, especially for concert events that are in high demand. Members can choose their preferred seat before all other customers.

You will always learn details of the Kissinger Sommer programme in advance through a personal presentation by the artistic director at the annual general meeting.

You receive a personal membership card (VIP card) that identifies you as a premium customer and makes it easier for you to buy tickets.

You will receive a free programme booklet upon presenting your VIP card at Kissinger Sommer concerts.

You will be invited to the annual reception of the Friends following an outstanding concert of the Kissinger Sommer. On this occasion, the chairman presents the annual donation cheque to the Lord Mayor of Bad Kissingen in a festive ceremony.

You will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt.

Your Membership

We offer a range of support options for membership. The annual membership fees consist of an association fee and a donation:

  • Single Member / Friends € 75
  • Additional Family member € 45
  • Corporate Member € 415
  • Supporting Member € 1215

You can find detailed information at www.foerdervereinkissingersommer.deexterner Link.

We are also happy to develop special packages around the concerts of the Kissinger Sommer for companies and their guests – tailored to your wishes. You will find the membership form on the back of the ticket order form. It is also available online as a download.


Martha Müller, Treasurer
Julius-Echter-Str. 2
97688 Bad Kissingen
Tel.: 0971 8026911-1
Fax: 0971 8026911-9
Mobil: 0171 6453145
E-Mail Förderverein


Anton Schick Chairman
Hans Ulrich Finger Vice-Chairman
Martha Müller Treasurer